Waiving Fees of 2020 - 2021
We are pleased to announce that all fees for the year 2020 and 2021 will be waived so we encourage authors to submit their original work for possible publication.
Call for Papers
The International Applied Computing & Applications publisher (ACAA), ISNI/0000000493615767, publishes original, open-access research relevant to computer science's analytical and computational aspects and its applications. ACAA is a peer-reviewed and open-access publisher. Journals cover interdisciplinary studies in computing, artificial intelligence, website development, networking, cybersecurity, robotics, virtual reality and graphics, big data and databases, mobile technology, and computer applications. All works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
ACAA invites authors to submit original work for possible publication in any of ACAA journals.
- Applied Computing Journal (ACJ) (ISSN 2788-9688).
- Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Development journal (AIRDJ) (ISSN 2788-9696)
The submitted paper should not have been published previously or be currently under consideration elsewhere. Please send the work in advance, before the publication dates (by two weeks). This is to take into consideration the processing and reviewing time.
The ACA journal publishes papers quarterly (4 times per year).
- January Issue: Publication Date: 25 February.
- April Issue: Publication Date: 25, April.
- July Issue: Publication Date: 25 July.
- October Issue: Publication Date: 25 October.
Authors must first register and login into the appropriate journal and use the submission button to submit the work. Please, you need to read and ensure to follow the publication guidelines.
ACJ is indexed with and included in Google Scholar, Crossref Scholarly, Digital Object Identifier (DOI)- prefix (10.52098), PKP PN Long-term preservation Archiving, Publons/ACJ, J-Gate archiving, Scribd Digital Archiving, and others.
AIRDJ is indexed with and included in Google Scholar, Crossref Scholarly, Digital Object Identifier (DOI)- prefix (10.52098), PKP PN Long-term preservation Archiving, Publons/AIRDJ, J-Gate archiving, Scribd Digital Archiving, and others.
Benefits to publish with ACAA
- Free of charge.
- Fast review and publication (within two weeks).
- Unique DOI for each article.
- Short included in google scholar and other indexing databases.
- The article will make available to anyone across the globe at any time (Golden Open Access).
- Freely share your work with different indexing databases (ORCID).
- Freely check for Plagiarism.
Online submission ACJ:
Online submission AIRDJ:
With thanks,
Prof. Dr. Nameer El-Emam
Editor in Chief E-mail:
The International Applied Computing & Applications publisher (ACAA)